Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Perry4Law Leads In Cyber Forensics And Cyber Security Legal Practice Worldwide

When we hear of fields like cyber security and cyber forensics, technology companies come to our mind. As the demands of clients have significantly increased, many non traditional professionals have also started providing services in these areas. One such professional branch is legal fraternity that has started providing services for areas like forensics audit, cyber forensics, cyber security, e-discovery, etc.

In the year 2002, Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) was established and its segment Perry4Law Law Firm is the first and exclusive techno legal law firm of India. With more than a decade experience, P4LO and Perry4Law Law Firm have catered the needs of national and international clients in various techno legal fields.

Perry4Law has set a trend for cyber forensics and cyber security legal practice worldwide through its domain specific and highly specialised techno legal services. Its research works are frequently cited by scholars at national and international levels. What is more amazing is the establishment of dedicated online resources in the fields of Cyber Law, Cyber Security, Cyber Forensics, E-Discovery, Telecom Laws,  Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), Corporate Laws, etc.

Praveen Dalal, managing partner of Perry4Law Law Firm and P4LO and leading techno legal expert of Asia, is a strong advocate of Civil Liberties Protection in Cyberspace. He believes that Human Rights Protection in Cyberspace must be Internationally Recognised. He also believes that E-Surveillance Projects of India need Parliamentary Oversight and Judicial Scrutiny.

Dalal is also a strong advocate of cyber and data security.  No Client would be happy if its/his/her confidential and sensitive documents are obtained through cracking/hacking the Law Firm Website or Database, opines Dalal. Perry4Law Law Firm uses the “Best Cyber Security Practices” recommended by International Organisations, informs Dalal.

With international level of techno legal expertise, P4LO and Perry4Law Law Firm are class apart and world leaders in techno legal services. Other Law Firms of India must also start providing services in techno legal fields if they have the requisite expertise in this regard.

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